Rebekah's Treasure by Sylvia Bambola is a wonderful addition to any library. It is 70 A.D. and Jerusalem is being taken over by the Romans and the Jews are leaving to escape being tortured, killed or made slaves. It is written from the view point of both Rebekah, who is sent away by her husband from the Temple and Jerusalem to keep her and her daughter safe, and her husband Ethan who stays to fight with his sons and try to save the Temple. It is a remarkable book about love, faith, family, and perseverance through a tumultuous time for the Jews and Jerusalem.
I loved this book. It leads you on a journey seen through the eyes of Rebekah that takes her to a new life with the believers of Christ in Pella. She is a strong woman whose faith sustains her through all she has to face in the new town while her sons and husband are in danger fighting to save the Temple and Jerusalem from the Roman's who are taking over and destroying everything and everyone. It is a emotionally charged book that you get swept up in right along with Rebecca and her family. It also is well written from Ethan's point of view showing how devastating and brutal the struggle for the Jews were in trying to keep the Romans from overrunning Jer4usalem and Killeen all the rebels and Jews that are still living there. It shows the strength of the Jewish people and their perseverance in the face of the enemy.
If you love a great emotional, action packed, faith building, historical novel then you must read this book. It is a great insight into the struggles and devastation the Jews at the hands of the Romans as well as rebel factions of Jews.
Rebekah and Ethan each have what they think is the treasure they have to save, but in the end they find the true treasure isn't in objects and the journey to realizing this is one we can all relate to in our life.
I was moved by this book and it was a journey that I am glad I didn't miss. I can not recommend this book enough. I hope you will get this book and read it and join me in finding a true treasyre of a book.
I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion and review by Heritage Publishing House through bookcrash.com
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