The Quick-Start Guide to the Whole Bible by Dr., William H
Marty and Dr. Boyd Seevers is a must for your Bible study resources. It is a
wonderful guide to each book of the Bible. It has the history of what is going
on when the book was written, who wrote it, who it was written for and then
brings out the important points of the book. This is done for each book of the
Bible. It is easy to read and understand and makes each book of the Bible more understandable
and interesting. When studying the Bible it is helpful to understand the who,
what, when and why’s of a Book and that is where this guide comes in. I have
used many helps in my studying and this one is written in an easy to read
layman way that is understandable and not over your head if you are a new
believer. I would recommend this book to any believer or person who wants to learn
more from the Bible, someone who wants to delve more into and understand what
they are reading in the Bible more. When you study the Bible make sure you have
this guide close by to use.
This can also be used not just for a guide but it is written
in such a way that you could just read it to get more history and understanding
of all 66 books of the Bible. You don’t have to limit its use just to your
study but just read it for more knowledge. I think that this is a great
addition to any library.
I was given this complimentary book from Bethany
House Publishers for my review and honest opinion of the book