The Four Cups of Promise: The Journey to Fulfillment God Planned for You by Chris Hodges is probably one of the best books I have read on God and his promises to believers. Chris Hodges takes the 4 promises God made to Moses and his people and shows us how they also apply to us. The four cups reference the four cups of the Passover that helps the Jewish people to remember and tell the story of how God brought his people out of Egypt and bondage like He promised.
This book explains God's plan for saving and getting his people out of bondage and sin, and it shows how it is the same plan and promises God has for us. Chris Hodges explains this in a powerful way by using the four cups from the Passover dinner. Though I knew the promises that God made his people were for us also it was a new powerful way to look at these promises. This book is encouraging and helpful and very well written in away that is moving and faith building. I think it is a book that everyone should take the time to read and think about how God's promise to take us out of bondage was for the Jews as well as for us today also. I found this book was a page turner and I have so many highlights in it. Here are just two of the many quotes I have highlighted 1. " When we find ourselves captive to our own selfish and sinful behavior, we lose sight of our purpose. But God has promised to redeem us, to reach down into the muddy pit where we've stumbled and fallen and lift us up again- just as he did with the people of Israel when he brought them out of captivity in Egypt. " pgs 26-27 and 2. " We don't get our lives together in order to get to God. We go to God to get our lives together!" pg48. I can truthfully say this book helped me in my growth as a believer. I loved this book and it is an easy fast read and well worth it but be sure to have a pen or highlighter handy when you read it because you will need it. This would be a great study book for small groups too.
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I was given this book by Tyndale Publisher for free to give my honest review and opinion of this book.
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