The book Sisters Of Lazarus by Paula Parker is a look at Martha and Mary in a way that shows the struggles of life they might have had. This is an interesting look into the lives of Martha, Mary, Lazarus and also the Jewish traditions and life. It gives the authors idea on what Martha and Mary might have been like. She takes what we know from the Bible and takes it a step further to make both of the sisters more real. They have some of the same struggles and concerns that we have in being accepted. Martha is the one who struggles with how she looks, but she is dependable and the one who is the caregiver for her brother and sister. Mary is the free spirit, who is beautiful and knows it. She is carefree and the one who is more likely to do something on a whim. Paula Parker tries through her fiction account to explain why each sister is the way they are and you can understand more why when Mary uses the expensive perfume and pours it on Jesus' head, how this might be misunderstood by the practical Martha. Or why Martha would be upset with Mary for not helping her prepare the meal for Jesus and the disciples.
I think that this book is a way to get to know the sisters through fiction but also it helps to look at the Mary and Martha in the Bible differently with more understanding. I was pleasantly surprised by this book and enjoyed reading it and while reading this book I read about the Sisters from the Bible too which was fantastic. The book is worth taking time to read.
I was given an ebook from NetGallery to read and give an honest review. The opinion's are all mine
My Motto is you can never have enough books. I love to read and discuss what I am reading so I started this blog. I will be talking about what I am reading and reviewing books of all genres here. I love books and I love to read and try to encourage others to love books and reading also, that is what I hope to do with this blog and my other blog strictly for mystery books at Join me Grab a cup of coffee or tea, some chocolate and a good book and KEEP READING!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
God Reveals Himself in a Special Way in Appointments With Heaven by Dr. Reggie Anderson

Appointments With Heaven by Dr. Reggie Anderson
Dr. Reggie Anderson writes about his experiences sitting with patients that are dying and in sitting with them he experiences something special. God allows him to see their passing from this life to heaven in a special way. He is allowed to help them in their last minutes and God uses him in a unique and special way. He has so many different experiences sitting and helping the dying patient in this book, and each one brings another glimpse of God and His love.
This book is an exceptional look at how God reveals Himself in special ways. It looks at and follows Dr. Anderson has he struggles with his faith after a tragedy that shakes his belief that there is a God let alone his faith in God. It is his struggle, but we all at times when an illness or tragedy strikes, have asked the same thing if there is a God why would he let this happen. This book shows God understands our hurt and questioning but He never leaves or gives up on us. He will meet us where we are and help us when we let Him.
One of my favorite lines was when Karen tells Reggie to pray "God, if you're real, make yourself known to me." pg 76 from Appointments with Heaven by Dr. Reggie Anderson
When Dr. Anderson's friend tells him to ask God to reveal Himself to him, God does in an extraordinary way through a dream.
I would recommend this book to people who are struggling with a loss of a loved one. It is a book that will uplift and help all that read it.
If you would like more info on this book you can go to
This book I would give 5 stars and recommend to all.
I was given a copy of this book by Tyndale Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Renewal of the Heart Found in What Once Was Lost By Kim Vogel Sawyer
In this newest book What Once Was Lost by Kim Vogel Sawyer, Christina runs a poor farm for people who are down and out, the ones that everyone else has turned their back on. She gives them a home, food, Bible lessons and most of all love. She loves to be needed by them and thinks of them as her family. Then there is a fire and she has to take them into town and find places for them all to stay until the home can be fixed. She gets every one placed but Tommy who is blind and so she turns to Levi the mill owner who keeps to himself, never interacting with the towns people, to ask him to take Tommy temporarily. He agrees but only for a short time, but that is all God needs to start chipping at his stone heart. What will happen to them all? This is a journey that all will want to go on with Christina, Levi, Tommy, Cora, the twins, Wes, Louisa and Rose as well as Alice and her two kids. It is full of surprises, ups and downs, renewal, forgiveness and love.
All I can say is WOW. I was hooked from the first page and was never disappointed with this book. Kim Vogel Sawyer takes you into the lives of each of the people from the poor farm and makes you love them and hope for the best for them right from the start. She doesn't stop there though, she shows how God sometimes uses something bad, like the fire, to open up new beginnings and restore people to Him. You cry right along with Christina when she starts feeling like God has forsaken her. The reader feels like they are a part of this book because what God is showing and revealing to Christina and Levi is a good lesson for all of us. It is a book of more than just love and family, but of Hope when you think their is no hope, Forgiveness when you think you are unforgivable, and Renewal when you think that your Faith is gone. I think by now you can see I love this book. I give it 5 Stars but if I could I would give it 10.
I think one of the things, besides a good book, I got from reading this is a reminder that God forgives and forgets. One of my favorite quotes from the book is
" A familiar ball of shame began rolling in Cora's chest. Ma Creeger had said Jesus took the shame away and she shouldn't let people give it back to her." pg 287 from What Once Was Lost by Kim Vogel Sawyer
I need that reminder and if nothing else I will be remembering this quote from now on when I start to forget.
I hope you all will read this book you won't be disappointed.
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."
Could you please take time to rate my review. Thanks
If you would like to read the first chapter of the book here is the link:
Read Chapter One
Watch Video
More About Kim Vogel Sawyer
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Patchwork of Mystery Murder Plain and Simple by Isabella Alan Review

Murder Plain and Simple by Isabella Alan
When Angie's wedding is called off she is glad to move back to Amish Country in Ohio where her Aunt has left her Amish Quilt Shop to Angie. What she doesn't expect is to be in the middle of a murder and for it to happen in her quilt shop which makes her a suspect. Angie thinks she has to help Sheriff Mitchell find other suspects and the murderer to clear her name. She has to piece together the clues before he arrests her for the murder.
I love the book. Angie is smart, stubborn, inquisitive, and strong. Angie is starting a new chapter in her life by moving to Ohio and taking over her Aunt's Quilt Shop which takes strength and courage. She tries to shed light on other people who could be suspects in the murder of Joseph, who was murdered in her store and puts herself and her dog Oliver in danger. The Author gives you several people who could have been the murderers which keeps you guessing. She has some really unique characters in the town that adds to the story. Who doesn't know someone like Willow, the teashop owner, who is a flamboyant whirlwind that never realizes how ridiculous she is at times. The book is a great read for those who love to read about the Amish, the Amish culture and community as well as those who enjoy a good mystery with twists and turns. I love the setting in a small Amish community and the author paints a picture with her words so that you feel like you are standing on the sidewalk on main street with all the Amish shops and buggies. I would give this book 5 stars and I can not wait to read more in this series. Besides we have to find out if there is romance in store between Angie and Sheriff Mitchell.
The quilting hints and how to at the end of the book was a big plus. Overall I think this was a great, enjoyable read and hope that you will read it when it releases Sept 3, 2013.
Thanks to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP for sending me a copy of this book to review and give my honest opinion and review.
Monday, August 5, 2013
The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask about Christianity: & How to Answer Them Confidently Book Review

The 21 Toughest Questions Your Kids Will Ask about Christianity: & How to Answer Them Confidently by Alex McFarland
This book is an excellent resource for parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers and anyone who has asked or had children who have asked the tough questions about God. This is an excellent way to study and learn where to find the answers in the Bible and how to answer these questions. It is a good resource including good explanations and verses to help you to learn and equip yourselves for the inevitable questions that will or have been asked. I love how Alex McFarland says this isn't a book to read verbatim to answer your children but is a way to be ready for those questions. He wants you to delve into maybe why they are asking a question so you know what is motivating the child. Is it curiosity or something that has happened to cause them to question such as loss. It is a very informative and plain language book that helps in your quest to be able to help your children and others when it comes to questions about God and Christianity.
I would recommend this book for all households and church libraries. I wish I had this book when my children were younger and asking these questions.
This book is one that I would even think about giving to young adults and adults if they have questions like Why does God allow evil? I found when reading this book that many of the questions were ones that we all at one time or another have asked and this is a good study book to help you with those questions. I think this would be a good book to use in new Christian homes and bible studies.
I would give this book 5 stars and hope that everyone would read and put in the home and church libraries. I highly recommend this book.
Thank you to Tyndale Publishers for providing me this free copy of the book for my honest review.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Fugitive by Shirlee McCoy Review

click on book picture to go to Love Inspired Books
Fugitive by Shirlee McCoy is part of the Heroes for Hire Series. It is a fast but good read. Laney is hoping to move on from her past once and for all but that doesn't seem possible when Logan stumbles back into her life. In trying to run from her past Laney runs right into it. Now Laney is also running from a killer and the law.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this book or not at first but from the first page I was glad I did and I truthfully enjoyed reading it. It is a book with a good plot and enough twists to keep you guessing, not only about who is behind the killing and trouble Logan is in, but also who is trying to kill Logan and Laney now, and on top of all that it is about both of them facing the past head on. Mystery, suspense, and a little romance makes for a quick, good read. If you are looking for a book that is good, not too complicated, and a fast enjoyable read this is your book. I would recommend this book.
If you want to know more info about this book and Shirlee McCoy's other books you can check her out at
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
5 Stars for Though My Heart Is Torn by Joanne Bischof Review
I give 5 out of 5 stars for Though My Heart is Torn by Joanne Bischof. This is book 2 of The Cadence of Grace Series. Gideon and Lonnie have overcome their rocky beginning and are now happy in their marriage and growing in both their faith and love. They have a son Jacob and life seems good. When they go home to what is suppose to be a family emergency Gideon is hit with the realization that he has two wives and he didn't even know it. His past has caught up to him and even though he isn't that man anymore he must face the past and find away, even though his life is being torn apart, to rectify this situation? What is God's plan in all of this? Whose heart will be broken? What will happen to Gideon, Lonnie, Jacob, and Cassie? Will they rely on their faith and make it through this situation? You will have to read this book to find these answers and more.
I loved this book. It is an emotional roller coaster, but it is a ride you don't want to get off of till the ride is over. When I got to the last page I didn't want it to be over, I wanted more. You are torn, right along with Gideon, on doing what is right, what he should do and what his heart is wanting. It is a great read that has romance, love, heartache, faith, repentance, and forgiveness.
Joanne Bischof weaves a story that keeps you in its grip and wanting more. I did not read the first in the series, but there is enough information about the first book that you aren't lost by just reading this book. She has a knack of taking you from happiness, to sadness, to forgiveness and love all at the same time. I would keep the Kleenex close when reading this. I will be reading the first book and the next one also.
If you would like more information on this book and Joanne Bischof's other books please visit her website at:
You can get more information about this book here also
If you would like to read the first chapter of the book you can at
About the Author from
"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review." The views in this review are my own.
Please take time and rate my review
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
End of The Spear by Steve Saint Story of Faith and Forgiveness

A great book of faith and forgiveness. It is the story of Steve Saint who learns to love, forgive and help the Waodani people of Ecuador even though t...more A great book of faith and forgiveness. It is the story of Steve Saint who learns to love, forgive and help the Waodani people of Ecuador even though they had killed his father when he was a little boy. It is a moving interesting book.
I can't imagine number one what it would be like to live and grow up in the Rain Forest of Ecuador, and number two then to have your father brutally killed by the very people you grow up around and you forgive them and love them as your family, this is just mind blowing. This truly tells a story of how this family not only believed and had faith in Jesus but truly lived their faith. Loving, teaching, forgiving, and living with the very men who were the ones who speared his father and 4 others to death is only possible through Christ and really knowing the meaning of loving others as Christ loves them.
This is an interesting book of the story of Steve Saint and his family and the Waodani tribe of Ecuador. When Steve's aunt who lived with the tribe dies they ask Steve to come live with them to teach them the ways of God and what they need to know to survive and not be dependent on the outside world. It is a remarkable journey, one that draws you in and makes you want to keeping reading. It is a wonderful story of God's plans being put into work and we come to love Mincaye and the Waodani people too. Steve is a man of faith but even more amazing is his wife and children being in tune with God's call on their lives and being willing to go where God leads them, leaving the modern world and all its conveniences behind. Praise God for this man and his family.
I found this book both interesting and challenging. By that I mean it makes me look at how I live my life, could I forgive like Steve has and then follow God's calling to live with these same people in the jungle. I would hope I could, this book makes you think about this.
I really enjoyed this book, and I hope everyone will take the time to read it.
If you want to know more about this book and Steve Saint check out these links:
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Another Big Hit Curse of the Holy Pail by Sue Ann Jaffarian
From my other blog

The Curse of the Holy Pail (An Odelia Grey Mystery #2) by Sue Ann Jaffarian
I just have to say right up front I love this book and this series by Sue Ann Jaffarian. Last night I stayed up past midnight to finish this book because I just couldn't put it down, 4:30am came early this morning, but the book was well worth losing sleep over.
Odelia Grey is a plus size, smart, sassy, paralegal who seems to have a knack for getting into the middle of murder mysteries. Trouble just seems to find her even when she isn't looking for it. In The Curse of the Holy Pail a client for the firm she works for collects lunch boxes and when she goes to do some notary work for him he shows her his collection of lunch boxes, including his most precious one The Holy Pail. Later that day he is found dead at his office and the pail missing and everyone assumes Odelia has the pail since he had sent her one from his collection earlier that day after their meeting. So again Odelia is thrown into danger while trying to solve this mystery that just happened to fall in her lap.
This book has a number of possible suspects and it keeps you guessing to the end who the murderer is. Odelia also goes through a range of emotions from fear, to anger, to sorrow and of course her love for her boyfriend Greg. It has everything mystery, mixed with a little romance and intrigue as well as giving us a look into the world of lunch boxes. I think with this book we see even more into who Odelia Grey is and her character.
I can't say enough how good this book is and I can't wait to read the next book in the series, Thugs and Kisses (An Odelia Grey Mystery #3) by Sue Ann Jaffarian

The Curse of the Holy Pail (An Odelia Grey Mystery #2) by Sue Ann Jaffarian
I just have to say right up front I love this book and this series by Sue Ann Jaffarian. Last night I stayed up past midnight to finish this book because I just couldn't put it down, 4:30am came early this morning, but the book was well worth losing sleep over.
Odelia Grey is a plus size, smart, sassy, paralegal who seems to have a knack for getting into the middle of murder mysteries. Trouble just seems to find her even when she isn't looking for it. In The Curse of the Holy Pail a client for the firm she works for collects lunch boxes and when she goes to do some notary work for him he shows her his collection of lunch boxes, including his most precious one The Holy Pail. Later that day he is found dead at his office and the pail missing and everyone assumes Odelia has the pail since he had sent her one from his collection earlier that day after their meeting. So again Odelia is thrown into danger while trying to solve this mystery that just happened to fall in her lap.
This book has a number of possible suspects and it keeps you guessing to the end who the murderer is. Odelia also goes through a range of emotions from fear, to anger, to sorrow and of course her love for her boyfriend Greg. It has everything mystery, mixed with a little romance and intrigue as well as giving us a look into the world of lunch boxes. I think with this book we see even more into who Odelia Grey is and her character.
I can't say enough how good this book is and I can't wait to read the next book in the series, Thugs and Kisses (An Odelia Grey Mystery #3) by Sue Ann Jaffarian

Monday, June 17, 2013
The Fourth Fisherman by Joe Kissack Review

This is the story of Joe, he has money, a great job in the entertainment business, a wife and family and yet he is on a downward spiral into a dark hole. He had tried to fill this hole with things and prestige, but nothing was working. In the book Joe says, " I kept searching for more. More of what? I really didn't know. Something I couldn't put my finger on it, but it felt like it was out there, just around the corner. Something to fill the emptiness inside me." pg 41 This book is Joe's story of his struggles, searching, redemption, forgiveness, love and learning to rely on God and God's plan.
This is also the story of the three fisherman from Mexico that get stranded at sea for 9 months with nothing put their faith in God and a Bible to sustain them. They were drifting aimless at sea and they had God with them through the whole 9 months. This tells their story of struggle and rescue, hope and faith. It is a remarkable true story of strength that comes from God, faith and how they survived for those 9 months. It tells us how God would provide what they needed just in time and how He never left them. Just like He does for us in our lives.
The book tells us how God sends Joe to meet the fisherman after they are rescued to help them tell their story and in so doing Joe grows in his faith and reliance on God. You find that he has the same doubts and fears that we have when it comes to knowing if we are reallying doing what God wants us to or not. As Joe goes through the jungles and obstacles in Mexico trying to meet the fisherman you see how God nudges him along and reassures him, as well as protects him, just as God does us in our lives.
When I first started to read this book I had already decided that it was just going to be another feel sorry for me book, but boy was I wrong. The more I read the book the more I realized this is a book of brokenness and faith. A book of hopelessness and hope. It is a true story of how one man has everything, but really has nothing, and three men who have nothing, but they have everything because they have God. It is a powerful, insightful, encouraging book that I think everyone should read once or twice.
This book is all this an more. As it says in the book, "And then my eyes were fully opened: God was present in all of it, speaking to me about what the story really was. No, this isn't my story. But it isn't the fishermen's story either. It is God's story, and all of what He has done needs to be told." pg 189
This book tells us that story and I hope everyone will take the time to read it.
For more information:
You can follow Joe Kissack on twitter at
Here is the link to read the first chapter of the book
"I received this book from WaterBrook Multomah for free in exchange for an honest review."
Friday, June 14, 2013
A Good Series Postcards From Pullman by Judith Miller Review
Hope everyone had a great weekend and a good week. My husband and I enjoyed the nice weather by going on walks at the park this weekend. Over the weekend we walked over 5 miles, which we didn't do all at once, but over the whole weekend, which for someone who was in a wheelchair for years and is now out for the last 3 years is not bad. If you want to know more of my story go to . Reading ,walking, spending time with my husband and seeing my kids and grand kids makes for a great weekend.
I know these books have been out for awhile but I just got around to reading them. I gave them to my Mom for Mother's Day a few years back and she enjoyed them. I decided to read them and I loved them. I am talking about the Series Postcards From Pullman by Judith McCoy Miller
Book 1 In the Company of Secrets (Postcards From Pullman) by Judith McCoy Miller
Olivia is in service, in England, to Lady Charlotte's family. When Olivia has trouble, and Lady Charlotte has troubles of her own they run away and go to Pullman IL. Olivia gets caught up in Charlotte's lies as well as her own. This is a good book. If you like books on early American history or history of Pullman Rail Cars you will like this book. Olivia learns a good lesson that lies tend to come back to haunt you even if you think they are told for a good reason. I highly recommend this book. It gives you a good lesson on Pullman and the town, it has romance and twists as well as a good lesson in truth and accountability. I really enjoyed the book and series.
Book 2 Whispers Along The Rails (Postcards From Pullman) by Judith McCoy Miller
More talk of unionizing the workers for the Pullman company is spreading around Pullman IL and Olivia working still as assistant chef but Mr Howard has her riding the rails finding ways that Pullman can improve, or so that is what he has told her. Things are unsettled in Pullman and she is caught in the middle. Charlotte is living in Chicago and we find she is learning about being humble and getting a second chance. This book is all about doing what is right, God's forgiveness, and second chances. You have romance, mystery, redemption and history rolled into a good book.
If you want to know more about this series and other books by Judith McCoy Miller visit
If you would like to know more about Pullman IL and Pullman Rail Car Company go to
Will be reading the third book in this series soon and will let you know what I think.
For now:
I know these books have been out for awhile but I just got around to reading them. I gave them to my Mom for Mother's Day a few years back and she enjoyed them. I decided to read them and I loved them. I am talking about the Series Postcards From Pullman by Judith McCoy Miller

Olivia is in service, in England, to Lady Charlotte's family. When Olivia has trouble, and Lady Charlotte has troubles of her own they run away and go to Pullman IL. Olivia gets caught up in Charlotte's lies as well as her own. This is a good book. If you like books on early American history or history of Pullman Rail Cars you will like this book. Olivia learns a good lesson that lies tend to come back to haunt you even if you think they are told for a good reason. I highly recommend this book. It gives you a good lesson on Pullman and the town, it has romance and twists as well as a good lesson in truth and accountability. I really enjoyed the book and series.

More talk of unionizing the workers for the Pullman company is spreading around Pullman IL and Olivia working still as assistant chef but Mr Howard has her riding the rails finding ways that Pullman can improve, or so that is what he has told her. Things are unsettled in Pullman and she is caught in the middle. Charlotte is living in Chicago and we find she is learning about being humble and getting a second chance. This book is all about doing what is right, God's forgiveness, and second chances. You have romance, mystery, redemption and history rolled into a good book.
If you want to know more about this series and other books by Judith McCoy Miller visit
If you would like to know more about Pullman IL and Pullman Rail Car Company go to
Will be reading the third book in this series soon and will let you know what I think.
For now:
Thursday, June 6, 2013
What's on my Summer To Be Read list
The last few days have been hectic at our house. We had a flat tire, with no spare and I think we bought a whole forest of Rubber Trees for the price we paid for a tire. Then our daughter had surgery on her elbow and they had to reattach her tendon. Then she went to the ER because her arm was hot to touch and she was sick an they found she has an infection at the surgery site. She was given antibiotics and is doing better now so finally I hope, saying with fingers crossed, that things are settling down.
Getting back to books I decided to make a list of books I want to read this summer but find there are so many good ones coming out that it is really hard to narrow down just a few. What are you planning on reading? Have any suggestions for me to read or books you have read that you could suggest to me?
Here is a list of the ones I know for sure I am reading over the summer:
1. The Fourth Fisherman: How Three Mexican Fishermen Who Came Back from the Dead
Changed My Life and Saved My Marriage by Joe Kissack
2. Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham by Billy Graham
3. End Of The Spear by Steve Saint
4. Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle # 4) by Christopher Paolini
5. The Shop on Blossom Street (Blossom Street # 1) by Debbie Macomber
Of course this is just the ones I want to read, these and the mysteries I have listed on my mystery blog should keep me busy this summer. If your library is having an adult summer reading program be sure to sign up for it and help support your local library also.
For now:
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, some chocolate and a good book and KEEP READING!
Getting back to books I decided to make a list of books I want to read this summer but find there are so many good ones coming out that it is really hard to narrow down just a few. What are you planning on reading? Have any suggestions for me to read or books you have read that you could suggest to me?
Here is a list of the ones I know for sure I am reading over the summer:
1. The Fourth Fisherman: How Three Mexican Fishermen Who Came Back from the Dead
Changed My Life and Saved My Marriage by Joe Kissack
2. Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham by Billy Graham
3. End Of The Spear by Steve Saint
4. Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle # 4) by Christopher Paolini
5. The Shop on Blossom Street (Blossom Street # 1) by Debbie Macomber
Of course this is just the ones I want to read, these and the mysteries I have listed on my mystery blog should keep me busy this summer. If your library is having an adult summer reading program be sure to sign up for it and help support your local library also.
For now:
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, some chocolate and a good book and KEEP READING!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Winner Is
Just wanted also to thank everyone who entered the giveaway for Lock, Stock and Over a Barrel by Melody Carlson that the winner of the ARC copy is Sharon Timmer. Congratulations Sharon.
Keeping following here on the blog for more fun, book reviews and discussions and giveaways.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend. What did you read over the weekend? I spent the weekend with my family and on Memorial day we attempted to have a picnic, but we ended inside due to rain. Here are some pictures from our weekend.
As always
Monday, May 20, 2013
Book Review and Giveaway of Lock, Stock, and Over A Barrel by Melody Carlson

I was given an ARC copy of this book and was asked to read and give a honest review of the book
Lock, Stock, and Over A Barrel A Dear Daphne Novel by Melody Carlson.
check at the bottom of this post for the giveaway of the ARC of this book.
This book and characters are easy to connect with, you feel like you can just step into this small hometown and be friends with all the characters. It is a book that you just want to keep reading to see what is next.
Daphne had a dream to be a writer and after college she lands a job as a writer for the New York Times, but after years in the city she wonders if this is what she really wants. She is like we are when we think we know what we want and then when we get it we wonder is this really that great or what is going to make us happy.
Daphne's Aunt dies and she goes home for the funeral, but to her surprise Daphne's Aunt has left Daphne her house with some strings attached. The reader gets caught up in Daphne trying to decide what she wants, whether she can meet her Aunts strings for her inheritance and what will really make her happy.
This book, I think, is somewhat of a quest for Daphne to find out what she really wants out of life, about being happy, and about trusting God to help her make the right decisions and believing in the plan God has for her. It is a very good book that is very enjoyable. It has a good story and at the end of the book it leaves you wanting more. An excellent book. Melody Carlson has another good book that will connect with the readers.
I would highly recommend this book. This book will be out June 2013. check out Melody Carlson's website for more about her and her books at
I was given an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) courtesy of Shelton Interactive of the book Lock, Stock, and Over A Barrel A Dear Daphne Novel (B&H Publishing Group) by Melody Carlson, in exchange for a honest review of the book
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Books Books I Love Books
Ever since the fourth grade I have loved books and reading. I can remember that clearly because that was when I had a teacher that helped me learn to read better and to enjoy books and reading. My first books that I owned and loved were the Bobbsey Twins and Nancy Drew. Want to know a secret, I still enjoy reading them. My teacher gave me such a gift that I have tried to pass on to others and that is the love of reading.
I never go anywhere without a book going with me, I never know when I might be able to read a paragraph or two in between what I am doing. I am always reading two or three books at a time. Usually one of them is a mystery since that is my favorite genre, but I will also be reading anything from romance to science fiction to history or non fiction. Like I said I just love books of all genres and reading.
There is no greater joy than to see my children and grandchildren loving to read as much as I do. I love it when my teen grandchildren read a book and then tell me I need to read it too. Yes I read young adult books and must say they usually don't disappoint me. I am enjoying reading to my 18 month old grandson in hopes he too will get the reading bug.
Because I love books and reading so much I was hoping to talk here about what I am reading and review the books. I hope that maybe you will find new authors and books you will like and that you will share with me what you are reading and your favorite books and authors.
I am in hope to spread the joy and love of books and reading around. Join me in this endeavor and let's have some fun sharing about our books together. If you just want to read and talk about mystery books then try my other blog at
For now
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, some chocolate and a good book and KEEP READING!
I never go anywhere without a book going with me, I never know when I might be able to read a paragraph or two in between what I am doing. I am always reading two or three books at a time. Usually one of them is a mystery since that is my favorite genre, but I will also be reading anything from romance to science fiction to history or non fiction. Like I said I just love books of all genres and reading.
There is no greater joy than to see my children and grandchildren loving to read as much as I do. I love it when my teen grandchildren read a book and then tell me I need to read it too. Yes I read young adult books and must say they usually don't disappoint me. I am enjoying reading to my 18 month old grandson in hopes he too will get the reading bug.
Because I love books and reading so much I was hoping to talk here about what I am reading and review the books. I hope that maybe you will find new authors and books you will like and that you will share with me what you are reading and your favorite books and authors.
I am in hope to spread the joy and love of books and reading around. Join me in this endeavor and let's have some fun sharing about our books together. If you just want to read and talk about mystery books then try my other blog at
For now
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, some chocolate and a good book and KEEP READING!
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