Appointments With Heaven by Dr. Reggie Anderson
Dr. Reggie Anderson writes about his experiences sitting with patients that are dying and in sitting with them he experiences something special. God allows him to see their passing from this life to heaven in a special way. He is allowed to help them in their last minutes and God uses him in a unique and special way. He has so many different experiences sitting and helping the dying patient in this book, and each one brings another glimpse of God and His love.
This book is an exceptional look at how God reveals Himself in special ways. It looks at and follows Dr. Anderson has he struggles with his faith after a tragedy that shakes his belief that there is a God let alone his faith in God. It is his struggle, but we all at times when an illness or tragedy strikes, have asked the same thing if there is a God why would he let this happen. This book shows God understands our hurt and questioning but He never leaves or gives up on us. He will meet us where we are and help us when we let Him.
One of my favorite lines was when Karen tells Reggie to pray "God, if you're real, make yourself known to me." pg 76 from Appointments with Heaven by Dr. Reggie Anderson
When Dr. Anderson's friend tells him to ask God to reveal Himself to him, God does in an extraordinary way through a dream.
I would recommend this book to people who are struggling with a loss of a loved one. It is a book that will uplift and help all that read it.
If you would like more info on this book you can go to http://appointmentswithheaven.com/
This book I would give 5 stars and recommend to all.
I was given a copy of this book by Tyndale Publishing in exchange for my honest review of the book.
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