The Name Quest Explore the Names of God to Grow in Faith and
Get to Know Him Better by John Avery is an exceptional book and source to help
us know God and His character better and in doing so we grow in our personal
relationship with God. This book not only talks about the known names of God
like Yahweh or Jehovah but also names or
character like judge, shepherd and Heavenly Father and Lord. With each name
John Avery takes us through why God is called this and how it shows a part of
who God is which helps us to relate to God in a new and important way.
One of my favorite ones is Good Shepherd. It says in the
book “ The picture of a shepherd with his sheep illustrates the relationship
between God and His people because it highlights God’s care for us all.” Later it says “The title “shepherd”
encapsulates nine interrelated roles that parallel the ways in which God cares
for us.” pg 207. This is such a comforting way to think about God that He is
our protector and caregiver because He is our Good Shepherd. This is one example
but this book is well worth the read because it leads us through all the
meanings and how they help us to understand, relate and know God and his love
for us better.
Even if you think you know all about God I believe, like it was
for me, that when you read this book you will grow in your faith and knowledge
of God, which is fantastic but even more important you will know, understand
and have a more personal loving relationship with God. It is a great,
enlightening book that I would encourage all to read.
If you would like more info about the book you can go to: